Reassembled, Slightly Askew is an autobiographical, audio-based artwork about Shannon’s experience of falling critically ill with a rare brain infection and her journey of rehabilitation with an acquired brain injury. Audience members experience Reassembled... individually, listening to the audio via headphones, while lying on a hospital bed. The audio technology makes the sound three-dimensional, causing listeners to feel they are inside Shannon’s head, viscerally experiencing her descent into coma, brain surgeries, early days in the hospital, and re-integration into the world with a hidden disability. It is a new kind of storytelling, never done before about this topic, that places the listener safely in the first-person perspective to increase empathy and understanding--it's one step better than walking in someone's shoes, it's living in someone else's head. 

"A real-life ordeal, captured by a daring, disorientating artistic collaboration, which works brilliantly on so many levels…It should be available on prescription.”  —The Stage
‘Beautifully put together.’ —The Guardian
'a quietly devastating example of uncategorisable art at its best’ —Time Out London
'a richly textured three-dimensional soundscape that affords us a profound and moving sense of what it might be like to have a brain injury — and recover from one.’ —Evening Standard 
‘offers all both humanity and insight, and a completely different theatrical experience.’ —The Arts Review


Winner of Hospital Club h100 Theatre & Performance Award (2015)

Dublin Fringe Festival (2016) Nominee: Judges’ Choice, Best Design, First Fortnight Awards

Shannon Yee: SummerWorks Performance Festival (Toronto) Contra Guys’ Award for New Performance Text (2017)

·      Hanna Slattne: Elliott Hayes Dramaturgy Award special commendation (2016)

·      Paul Stapleton: winner of the 2017 Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Research Impact